Easily and quickly assess the material requirements for scaffolding solutions

Scaffold Estimation Tool (SET)

Easily and quickly assess the material requirements for scaffolding solutions

With the Scaffold Estimation Tool (SET), time-consuming material estimates are a thing of the past. SET offers the opportunity to estimate in just a few steps during the project initiation phase how much scaffolding material is required for the upcoming project. Simple, quick and uncomplicated. For more transparency in scaffolding construction.

Planning with SET is as flexible as you are used to with the PERI UP scaffolding construction kit. More complex geometries such as scaffolding towers, accesses, cantilevers and pipe penetrations can be planned and visualized in 3D in no time. Based on the planning, a parts list can then be generated with an estimate of the required scaffolding material at component level, including weight information.

  • Time expenditure

    What previously took a considerable amount of time can now be created within a few minutes - quick, easy and uncomplicated.

  • Quantity determination

    With the Scaffold Estimation Tool you can estimate the required material flexibly and quickly through 3D visualization and creation of parts lists. The web-based tool does not require installation on your device or extensive CAD knowledge.

  • handling

    SET is characterized by its easy operation. If you still have questions, detailed online user manuals, tutorial videos or the feedback function within the tool are available.

Applications at a glance

The Scaffold Estimation Tool in use

  • In the Scaffold Estimation Tool you create your scaffold using drag & drop. Towers, entrances and other scaffolding components are simply placed, rotated and modified in the 3D view.

    Create your planning in 3D in no time, including scaffolding towers, cantilevers, accesses, pipe penetrations and with different levels.

  • The automatic function supports you in planning circular arrangements of scaffolding. In just a few clicks, SET automatically arranges the scaffolding units at the required radius. In addition, the environment in which the scaffolding is planned can be represented by placing 3D bodies.

    The automatic function supports you in planning circular arrangements of scaffolding. In just a few clicks, SET automatically arranges the scaffolding units at the required radius. In addition, the environment in which the framework is planned can be represented by placing 3D bodies.

  • When the scaffolding is created, you can view the automatically generated material list. There you will find all the items used with item number, number, weight, total weight, surface area and volume.

    The material list within the tool provides a quick overview of the planned items including weight information and can easily be exported to Excel for creating an offer.

  • The SET in a video
    Quick, easy and uncomplicated planning of material requirements for your next scaffolding project – watch video now!

System Requirements

Advantages at a glance

Scaffold Estimation Tool

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The subsidiary CENTRIO is a software company that specializes in the digitization of the construction industry. The solutions we offer are based on experience in software development that we have acquired over the last 20 years. The aim was and is to efficiently link information and support teams worldwide in collaborating. We recognized that companies in the construction industry face the same challenges and so these systems are now also offered to external customers under the CENTRIO brand. Our many years of experience with scaffolding materials and processes on large construction sites make CENTRIO a competent partner for large construction sites.

Contact us by email info@centrio.de.