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Lightweight Protection Screens (LPS) were installed over four floors. In addition to deflecting wind loads as the building grew in height, the design of these screens had to account for other demands, such as cycle time, access to the slab edge and avoid potential clashes with columns.
The design team used a double-rail platform screen for this requirement, which offered a working platform between the slab edge and screens. The platforms provided access to prefix bolt boxes for cladding installation.
To accelerate screen installation, masts were preassembled offsite at PERI’s depot. Each section was then connected on site with drift pins before being tied to the structure.
The low weight of the screens combined with hydraulic lifting enabled two screens to be cycled simultaneously.
When designing the screen solution and slab shoe layout, the position of the columns around the slab edge had to be taken into account to avoid clashes.
3D visualisations were produced by PERI’s Digital Engineering team to make the declashing process more efficient. Having visibility of this information early in the programme meant that the site team could tie the screen design in with other temporary works elements like the propping and falsework, ensuring all systems worked cooperatively.
Integrating an efficient transportation system into the programme was crucial, as this enabled material and operatives to move quickly between the working levels. As well as providing safe access at height, the hoist reduced the demand for the crane.
Call us on +971 (0) 4 326 2992 to discuss your requirements further.